Tips To Help Office Workers Not Get Belly Fat

Tips To Help Office Workers Not Get Belly Fat

With the specificity of work, you must sit and work in front of the computer every day, Surely you often wonder about the diseases you will get when sitting for too long, sedentary. Like bone and joint pain, neck, or, nape, backache, degenerative spine, stomach pain, Heart, eye pain and indigestion. Especially not to mention the accumulation of belly fat.

When sitting for a long time in front of the computer, the intestinal tract easily accumulates a lot of waste, provides a good chance for excess fat absorption. They usually accumulate in the lower abdomen forming fat belly, beer belly.

Obesity not only affects your body shape but also affects your health.

Join Viet Tam Anh to learn simple tips to help you avoid belly fat due to sitting for a long time, It won't take too long, is familiar and often happens in your daily routine.

Sitting posture

You need to sit up straight and have a comfortable position. This not only helps girls with scoliosis, but also have ”bee back plate” smooth. However, also should be changed regularly to limit fat accumulation while sitting in one seat. Just restless 1 -2 language, You should walk around the room and go out to get a glass of water. Every time like that, will help you to consume less 300 those calories!

Be gentle

After sitting for a long time, You should also exercise approx 5 – 7 minutes for the whole body to be active. Since then the excess fat will not accumulate again. Prioritize doing movements in the abdomen and thighs such as stretching legs or breathing exercises! You should also take advantage of being active when the opportunity arises, Like, instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs to dissipate energy, keep in shape healthy and beautiful.

Snacks scientifically

The best way to not accumulate fat when sitting a lot, That is, limit snacking. Fix this by drinking water to reduce your cravings. When you can't stand it due to hunger “abuse” instead of fast food, frying with fruit, Nuts! Especially, Fruit combined with yogurt or simply buy nutritious seeds at Viet Tam Anh is also a very good snack to help the digestive system work more efficiently., stimulates energy burning, push back the risk of belly fat.

Laugh a lot

Studies show that laughing a lot every day not only helps you reduce stress – a cause of weight gain, fat, but also helps to consume a certain amount of calories. When you laugh, Heart rate increases approximately 10 – 20%, Boost metabolism and burn fat faster. If you “lazy” move hands and feet, Please work your face muscles hard and smile a lot. This helps to both bring about a good mood, just keep slim body.

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