Diet For Pregnant Mother During Pregnancy

Diet For Pregnant Mother During Pregnancy

What should pregnant mothers eat at each stage of pregnancy? Discover Viet Tam Anh right away.

Nutrition in 3 first month of pregnancy

IN 3 first month of pregnancy, many mothers will be hugged, there is always a feeling of discomfort, even nausea every time I see food. But this is a very important stage for the embryo to be formed, So even though I can't eat much, Pregnant mothers still need to ensure a nutritious diet by eating a variety of foods. Especially need to eat lots of vegetables and fruits.

If before pregnancy, pregnant women have not supplemented with acid folid, should be added immediately. Recommended dosage is 400 mcg / day. Besides that, Iron and calcium need to be added continuously throughout 9 Month of pregnancy avoid anemia and osteoporosis.

The fetus at this stage is very sensitive to external factors such as bacteria, virus, alcohol, medicine, stimulant, chemicals… Hence, Pregnant mothers should abstain from use or exposure to these agents and establish and maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy..

Taking medicine in 3 In the first month, special attention should be paid to the doctor's instructions to avoid adverse effects on the development of the fetus. In fact, Many unfortunate events have happened such as the mother voluntarily taking antibiotics when she had a cold 3 In the first month, or infection with Rubella virus, the fetus is born with birth defects.

Nutrition in 3 mid-month pregnancy

This is the most comfortable period during pregnancy, Most pregnant mothers will not suffer from morning sickness so eating is easier and more delicious. On the side of the fetus, this time the skeletal system is strongly developed, The brain and organs also gradually perfected. Therefore, in addition to acid, Iron, calcium, Pregnant women need to supplement foods containing zinc, dosage 20mg / day. The lack of zinc will make the fetus underweight, low height and defects.

Pregnant mothers should not think about eating twice as much 3 normal to "big child" because at this time the fetus has not yet entered the period of "breakthrough" in weight ( come 26 week old, fetus weighs only about 900g), according to fish promotion, in 3 In the middle of pregnancy, pregnant women should only increase their diet to about equivalent 300-400 kcal / day ( equal 2 white rice bowl or 2 glass of milk).

If you eat too much, Excessive weight gain in mothers does not only affect the physique, Postpartum psychology but also increase the risk of diabetes, hypertension, pre-eclampsia during pregnancy.

Nutrition in 3 last month of pregnancy

Stage 3 The last month of pregnancy marks a significant step in fetal weight development, for the fetus to gain weight well, Pregnant mothers need to pay attention to the amount of about 300kcal / day.

Now, Pregnant mothers need boror to supplement vitamin C for the body, to better absorb iron and calcium while avoiding the risk of rupture of membranes and preterm birth ( due to lack of vitamin C).

To enter 3 last month, due to hormone changes and the large fetus puts pressure on the pelvic area and bladder causing mejbaafu to become constipated, full stomach. To avoid this situation, Pregnant diet should add more fiber and eat foods that are difficult to digest.

So, in the journey 9 month of pregnancy,There are times when pregnant women do not need to increase their diet

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