Benefits Of Walnuts For Health

Benefits Of Walnuts For Health

Walnuts contain twice as many antioxidants as other nuts. It also contains a lot of high-quality protein that can be substituted for meat, vitamin, Omega fatty acids 3, oil, mineral, fiber, gluten, milk… should be very healthy.

With Vietnamese Tam Anh imported nutritious seeds, learn the great use of walnuts

1. Good for pregnant women and babies

One of the notable benefits of walnuts is its ability to prevent nausea during pregnancy..

Using walnuts during pregnancy helps to supplement Omega 3, Axit Amin L-Arginne, phosphorus and Vitamin E. In which the Omega content 3 triple in salmon, helps the brain of the fetus and young children develop comprehensively.

According to the public health nutrition department in America, Walnuts use during pregnancy will decrease 50% risk of allergic diseases in children.

Group of unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) Improve intestinal immune cells to help your baby less likely to have allergies. Vitamin B complex như folate, riboflavin, thiamin… are essential nutrients for pregnant women.

2. Walnuts are good for the brain

Studies have shown Omega fatty acids 3 Contains in walnuts to help maintain structural fat, this kind of substance accounts for 60% bộ no.

Adequate supplementation of necessary nutrients will help strengthen memory, while reducing your risk of depression and behavioral problems.

Especially brain tonic, due to the high amount of DHA and Omega 3, This is an indispensable substance for brain development.

Some studies indicate that eating walnuts can improve brain function, May help reduce depression and age-related impairment of brain function. Especially good for the elderly, Regular use of walnuts significantly improves memory.

And children who eat walnuts regularly, the brain works alertly and develops better, help children absorb understanding faster.

3. Walnuts help control diabetes

Experts at the University of Wollongong (Australia) research: per week eat about 30g walnuts in the least 1 year, will reduce your risk of type diabetes 2 approx 30% compared to those who never ate nuts.

For obese people, the risk of diabetes is quite high.

Survey is done in 50 Overweight people with diabetes, divided 2 group: walnuts were added to the diet in one group, the other group ate a low-fat diet.

After a period of time, the group that ate walnuts each day had significantly improved insulin levels thanks to the presence of unsaturated fats in the diet.. Since then, it helps to control diabetes well because Insulin has the effect of controlling blood sugar.

4. Walnuts help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Walnuts contain polyphenol antioxidants that help prevent blood clots, the main cause of heart attacks..

This substance combines with Omega 3, vitamins, Fiber and minerals will help eliminate bad cholesterol in the body, is a factor that directly affects heart health.

If used correctly, amount of Omega fatty acids 3 Proper fitness can help treat irregular heartbeat or arrhythmias.

5. Reduce the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreas

Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by abnormal cell growth.

Many types of cancer can be prevented with a healthy diet, exercise and avoid unhealthy habits.

Ellagic acid is an antioxidant compound that is very useful in the fight against cancer, helps strengthen the immune system and can help cancer patients recover quickly during chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

The scientists found that eating approx 6 – 16 walnuts / day for a supply of Omega fatty acids 3, antioxidants and phytosterols, Axit Alpha Linolenic… can reduce your risk of breast cancer, prevent and slow prostate cancer progression, pancreas… Slows the growth of tumor cells.

6. Prevent gallstones with walnuts

Older people, drinkers, People with waist circumference of about 90cm in women and 95cm in men are subjects with a very high rate of gallstones.

When the inside of the gallbladder becomes inflamed, it can cause bile to become entangled. Closed for too long, the bile will accumulate in the gallbladder and over time will precipitate to form gallstones.

Use walnuts regularly and in the right amount (30g walnuts per day) Gallstones significantly reduce the risk of gallstones because they contain compounds that help prevent gallstones disease.

7. Walnuts help lower blood pressure

Both high or low blood pressure is not good for the body.

High blood pressure affects all organs in the body, especially the heart, not, kidney, eye, blood vessel… endanger the patient's life.

Improving your diet can help regulate your blood pressure.

Because it contains unsaturated fats to help replenish essential nutrients for the body, help reduce blood pressure, maintain and bring blood pressure to a stable level. Besides, Walnuts also help strengthen the artery membranes.

8. Treat stomach ulcers naturally

Most stomach ulcers are caused by the bacterium H. Pylori-induced, not from hot spicy food, stress hay axit.

However, You can reduce symptoms and heal ulcers by eating right and making lifestyle changes.

Heat a little ground walnut powder 15 minute, Filtering water and adding honey can cure stomach ulcers. Drink this mixture 2-3 times a day, Stomach ulcers will go away quickly.

9. Walnuts help reduce cholesterol in the blood

High cholesterol in the blood is a factor causing many cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol reduction is essential to maintaining heart health.

Walnuts contain essential fatty acids, protein, carbohydrate, Essential vitamins and minerals help reduce bad cholesterol in the body, reduces the intestinal absorption of cholesterol, remove these “dirt” stick in the lumen, clean blood blood.

Walnuts also work to prevent arteriosclerosis, used to treat type of diabetes mellitus 2.

10. Helps laxatives, Effective constipation prevention

Constipation is a state of hard and dry stool, want to go but can't go, A long bowel movement or a few days before having a bowel movement causes a very uncomfortable feeling if left for a long time will lead to severe hemorrhoids.

Patients suffering from constipation are very miserable in living and affecting their health: stomachache, flatulence, headache.

There are many different causes of constipation, including diet and activities such as: Eat plenty of protein and low in fiber, inactivity, drink some water… usually happens to office workers. Especially, not going to the toilet is also a cause of constipation.

A simple but very effective way to treat constipation is to use walnuts every day, It will be more pleasant because of the high fiber content, Uses for kidney tonic, It is mild and works as well as a natural remedy for laxatives.

Besides, Also effective in treating women's constipation during pregnancy or birth.

11. Walnuts strengthen the immune system

Antioxidants, thathelp in walnuts is very high, keep the body's immune system healthy, destroy the onset of the pathogen.

The most remarkable point, Photochemical ellegic acid helps support the immune system by preventing cancer cells from reproducing.

12. Walnuts help protect strong bones

Bones are an extremely important component of the body. Protecting strong bones not only keeps you in good health, but also protects you from disease.

However, As the age increases, the calcium in the bones will decrease, The skeletal system also weakens… Osteoporosis appears.

The nutrients present in walnuts will help keep your bones strong. You will not have a deficiency of calcium needed every day as you age.

13. Improve daily sleep with walnuts

At a certain point, Our bodies produce the hormone melatonin, which signals the brain that the job is done, Tired body needs sleep.

During the time you sleep each night your body normally releases melatonin, but as they age, melatonin production decreases.

And this is why the elderly often lose sleep and sleep very little at night.

In walnuts, melatonin is very abundant, so before going to bed, taking a few walnuts will help you sleep better and longer..

14. Effective weight loss with walnuts

30Walnuts contain 2.5 grams of Omega fat 3, Contains 4g of protein and 2g of fiber… full of nutrients and especially create a feeling of fullness.

To successfully lose weight, the feeling of fullness is very important, because it restrains from eating in moderation.

Walnuts contain unsaturated fats that keep you from cravings for a long time. Walnuts contain many vitamins, mineral, fatty acids, protein and fiber. This fruit replaces your junk food without causing weight gain.

15. Walnuts effectively prevent skin aging

Walnuts are rich in B vitamins and antioxidants, Helps skin free from free radical damage and prevents wrinkles and signs of aging.

For bright skin, Especially when you get older, choose walnuts along with many other great nutrients, Combined with fresh fruit, Vegetables to keep your skin bright and beautiful over time.

Many brands of makeup cosmetics, Skin Care, hair care, The shampoo uses walnut seed extract and walnut essential oil to keep hair healthy and make skin shiny.

People with dry skin should try applying walnut oil regularly. Walnut oil helps to keep the skin moisturized, Nourishes the skin from within, Promotes healthy and radiant cell growth.

For the girls who want to round 2 To become more beautiful, eat this dish often with the appropriate dosage, because it has a very good ability to lose fat.

16. Using walnuts increases paternity

A study in Europe demonstrated that eating 75 grams of walnuts per day will improve sperm health, increase vitality, sperm motility and morphology.

Walnuts are rich in Omega fatty acids 3 of plant origin, Alpha-Linolenic Acid, Helps alleviate aneuploidy cells that have an abnormal chromosome that causes symptoms like Down's disease.

Walnuts contain vitamins B1 and B2, rich in zinc, Provides essential energy for prostate and sexual performance. Very good for “sex”.

Things you should know?

Eat walnuts 3 times a week, Help prevent cancers, heart disease coming 45% because in walnuts are rich in polyphenol antioxidants.

Walnuts have a lot of dog health benefits, But if you use too much is not good, you should pay attention to the amount and frequency of consumption because walnuts have high oxalate content., is one of the reasons that contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

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